Colby Sale Barn: Connecting Sellers with Buyers of Hogs, Cattle, Horses, Sheep and Goats since 1926

Livestock Auction Each Thursday at 11:00 CST

Office: 785-460-3231

49,000 Sheep and Goats sold in 2023

Find market reports on this page for Colby Livestock Auction Company LLC, a livestock marketing services provider located in Colby Kansas.

Market Reports need time to load and may require you to refresh your screen.  

Colby Livestock Auction’s most recent market report per CWT and per Head are shown here.  Please use the right scroll bar to view to the end of some lists.

To find what  price your animals sold for in the most recent sale, select the tab for your animal then find your town in the left column.

The page load time may be longer the first time these reports load for the week’s sale.  If the page is blank, please refresh your screen to reload the data.

Sales List for Hogs from the most recent sale shown below. 

List of horses sold at most recent sale are sorted by town then by weight range.

List of sheep sold at most recent sale are sorted by town then by weight range.

List of goats sold at most recent sale are sorted by town then by weight range.

… use the survey on the home page to let us know what reports would be useful to you.

This section is based on a recent survey feedback request.

Chart loading may be slow as you make a selection on each filter.

See also the tab “Data: recent historical…” for a quarterly view

These reports may show a blank field or system error messages.  The solution is to refresh your screen or simply wait a moment to allow it to load.  

If you encounter another issue, use the survey form on the homepage or email,